Le plan du site

if ( !function_exists( 'plan su site' ) ) :
function mysite_sitemap() {
?><div id="post-<?php the_ID(); ?>" <?php post_class( 'plan du site' ); ?>>
    <?php mysite_before_entry(); ?>
    <div class="entry">
    <h2><?php _e( 'Pages', MYSITE_basketnoisybailly );?></h2>
    <ul class="sitemap_list"><?php wp_list_pages('depth=0&sort_column=menu_order&title_li=' );
    <div class="divider top"><a href="#"><?php _e( 'Top', MYSITE_basketnoisybailly ); ?></a></div>
    <h2><?php _e( 'Category Archives', MYSITE_basketnoisybailly ); ?></h2>
    <ul class="sitemap_list"><?php
        wp_list_categories( array(
            'exclude'=> mysite_exclude_category_string( $minus = false ),
            'feed' => __( 'RSS', MYSITE_basketnoisybailly ),
            'show_count' => true, 'use_desc_for_title' => false,
            'title_li' => false
    <div class="divider top"><a href="#"><?php _e( 'Top', MYSITE_basketnoisybailly ); ?></a></div>
    <?php $archive_query = new WP_Query( array( 'showposts' => 1000, 'category__not_in' => array( mysite_exclude_category_string( $minus = false ) ) ) );
    ?><h2><?php _e( 'Blog Posts', MYSITE_basketnoisybailly ); ?></h2>
    <ul class="sitemap_list"><?php while ( $archive_query->have_posts() ) : $archive_query->the_post();
    ?><li><a href="<?php esc_url( the_permalink() ); ?>" rel="bookmark" title="<?php printf( __( "Permanent Link to %s", MYSITE_TEXTDOMAIN ), esc_attr( get_the_title() ) ); ?>"><?php the_title();
    ?></a> (<?php comments_number('0', '1', '%'); ?>)</li>
    <?php endwhile;
    <div class="divider top"><a href="#"><?php _e( 'Top', MYSITE_basketnoisybailly ); ?></a></div>
    <?php $portfolio_query = new WP_Query( array( 'post_type' => 'portfolio','showposts' => 1000 ) );
    ?><h2><?php _e( 'Portfolios', MYSITE_basketnoisybailly ); ?></h2>
    <ul class="sitemap_list"><?php while ( $portfolio_query->have_posts() ) : $portfolio_query->the_post();
    ?><li><a href="<?php esc_url( the_permalink() ); ?>" rel="bookmark" title="<?php printf( __( "Permanent Link to %s", MYSITE_basketnoisybailly ), esc_attr( get_the_title() ) ); ?>"><?php the_title();
    ?></a> (<?php comments_number('0', '1', '%'); ?>)</li>
    <?php endwhile;
    <div class="divider top"><a href="#"><?php _e( 'Top', MYSITE_basketnoisybailly ); ?></a></div>
    <h2><?php _e( 'Archives', MYSITE_basketnoisybailly ); ?></h2>
    <ul class="sitemap_list"><?php wp_get_archives( 'type=monthly&show_post_count=true' );
    <div class="divider top"><a href="#"><?php _e( 'Top', MYSITE_basketnoisybailly ); ?></a></div>
    <div class="clearboth"></div>
    <?php wp_link_pages( array( 'before' => '<div class="page_link">' . __( 'Pages:', MYSITE_basketnoisybailly ), 'after' => '</div>' ) ); ?>
    <?php edit_post_link( __( 'Edit', MYSITE_basketnoisybailly ), '<div class="edit_link">', '</div>' ); ?>
    </div><!-- .entry -->
    <?php mysite_after_entry(); ?>
</div><!-- #post-0 -->

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